Bloody Sampit
Beginning of the riots:
Ethnic riots erupted in Sampit since the murder of several citizens of Madura in the housing complex is located in the northern suburbs Sampit conducted by a group of provocateurs paid by the two respective local government officials and Forest Service Sampit. It had happened the night the week (17/2/2001 Saturday night) at around 23:00 pm while the victim was sleeping soundly. Madura citizens around terkejud events and their emotions because they feel drawn in danger and being diaserang by a group of Dayak, and they retaliate to trerjadilah clashes that engulfed dozens of casualties. With this event the people do not stay silent dayak them directly menghadakan murder and arson against houses of Madurese people.
On Sunday morning I contacted by telephone to an aunt and uncle who live on the street S. Parman Sampit asked about the event and its impact on society in general Sampit city. Aunt even mediocre and did not have estimates that the conflict will spread, even he says "it's okay and safe, because the event was on the edge" he said. On the same day of contacting a close friend who was on the street Sampit Samuda asked about the incident. He replied with an answer matching aunt. I do Keesukan day contact again to my uncle and jawbannya not much different from yesterday answers. In contrast to my friend who jwaban contact on that day, he says emergency and widespread rioting and place additional victims from both sides. On Tuesday, I did contact again, but the phone had no answer. Then my friend menghubingi in-law's house and by chance he had been hiding in there and he mengatakatan that the situation is very tense because the Dayak people immediately came from all directions and the interior of Central Kalimantan and overwhelmed officials could not stem the flow of their kedangan. Madurese people who are not aware and did not expect that they will eventually cleared of Sampit frenzy and panic, because it was attacked by a Dayak complete with sharp weapons. So falling korbanpun lying headless in homes and in the streets every corner of the city Sampit. Dayak people make a massive swepping to all houses without exception and kill every person who is suspected of the Madurese regardless of sex or age. So citizens of the Madurese siege that trapped the Dayaks and could not evacuate themselves were soft targets and saber tobak hack.
Before ethnic Dayak attacks gathered together for their determination and vowed to erode the ethnic Madurese out of Kal-Teng, who started from Sampit.
For morale mengobar Dayak, Dayak provocateurs to spread the hatred among them against the citizens of Madura. They said: "The people of Madurese have been scraped from the Kal-Teng, so that the ethnic Madurese no power in the Kal-Teng".
Information last (Monday morning 25 / 2) that I received from the district. Samuda (40 km from Sampit) said that the erosion of citizens Madura now happening in the capital of Palangkaraya city and its surroundings.
Dayak people in kebiadabannya not doing enough to spend the Madurese lives of innocent, but the burning of houses, business places, masid-mosques, educational institutions, pesanteren-boarding schools and others built by the Madurese .
Sampit bloody tragedy was the aftermath of the tragedy of Sambas with careful planning.
Since the Sambas erupted inland Dayak people have been holding talks to take the offensive against the ethnic Madurese. It was revealed from the information my brother-in-law - but it happened to bloody Dayak ancestors had converted to Islam - to work as a commodities trader who every day back and forth to the interior of Central Kalimantan (Rantau Pulot and surrounding areas). Brother-in-law is often argued that the reasons the plan should diurungkan, because according to him, the Madurese are the good things and some among them who do evil like other tribes, he said. In fact, he himself admitted that his wife comes from a good family of the Madurese. However, the Dayaks are still on the stand and said that they will not bother her. About Dayat evil plan is often expressed by my brother-in-law to our family. A few days before the riots erupted Sampit my brother-in-law came home from the countryside immediately Kal-Teng with menyarter speedboard and left klotoknya inland to preach to an evil plan Dayak tribe and my brother in law menyerankan the whole family to sell the property to be sold before the event occurred, but families did not heed such advice.
Before the eruption Kerengpangi (some [pa Sampit weeks before the event) was santar issues that Dayak people will attack the Madurese, and santarnya kerana these issues my dad's friend who was also a former member of parliament Palangkaraya level I often instruct and advise if there'll be Dayak attack then my family should take refuge in his house in Palangkaraya. This also strengthens the Planning before the tragedy Sampit erupted.
After two days of Sampit tragedy erupted Dayak people from different parts and interior parts of Central Kalimantan in waves and flooding in droves to the town of Sampit memusnahan the ethnic Madurese. This is a clear indication of the evil planning.
And when news spread Sampit tragedy to every corner, attacks on the ethnic Madurese-pelosokpun throughout their launches, hundreds of casualties. Therefore one is not that different Madia mentions the deaths of more than 200 people. The actual death toll far greater than expected, because many of the Madurese scattered in various districts and in remote corners of Kab. East Kotawaringin as farmers and farming, and they did not escape the raging target Dayak people.
One day after the outbreak of Dengue Sampit Dayak community in Palangkaraya berdemontrasi demand to the local government to expel all the ethnic Madurese from the province Kal-Teng.
Authorities did not act decisively against troublemakers.
Police and army troops are on alert in Sampit cowardly not even provide protection to the Madurese. It is seen from their inability to stem the flow of the Dayak rioters came and flooded the town of Sampit swepping let them do house-house and kill the soul of each person suspected of the ethnic Madurese, regardless of whether it was a baby, people jumpo, male or woman. Even the merembak attacks to various parts of the district and very easy to do by the rioters Dayak no prevention efforts or a firm attitude of the authorities. Beritindak apparatus should firmly against any rioters who entered his office without discrimination. Even lack sharpness Itupun officials seemed to taken off dozens of rioters Dayak ethnic prisoners and let them join the other rioters to murder. And assault and murder not only Sampit dikosentrasikan in town, even in the city since riots erupted in unison Sampit in other sub-districts made the same attack, and freely without the prevention and assertive tidakan of their forces to kill and mengahncurkan all property and houses ethnic Madurese. Yesterday (Sunday, 25/2/2001) my phone contact with one of the ethnic population in Banjar imformasi Sampit to get the latest on Sampit city, people were more Sampit mengimformasikan that gripped the refugees sheltering in local government offices sedah about food shortages and has many victims who fell dead from hunger. Meanwhile, rioters continued to flood flows and their conduct Sampit attack Kec. Samuda 40 km. From Sampit that there are ethnic Madurese people scattered in a vast amount estimated at more than 1000 families. While pengfungsian atrau hiding place there does not exist. And the vandals have done it without the destruction of some officials who impede or act decisively against them. Even the largest in the district pesanteren. This-which is also where I first nyantri-have disintegrated. None of the ethnic Madurese rumapenduduk but all-out fight. And from imformasi that I received from ethnic Banjar in this district (this morning, Monday 26 / 2) of the rioters had reached the village dayak Parebok (Kec. Samuda), and there they met with resistance and a victim of both sides. Because of the rioters are not able, then send another Dayak 2 trucks to the village, and ultimately they can break the resistance of ethnic Madurese.
The rioters are ethnic Dayak using red badge on the head, hands and they carried spears.
Evacuation or expulsion?
Dayak ethnic urging local government to expel the ethnic Madurese from Kal-Teng said, they do continue to voice their demands for Kal-Teng police chief resign and be replaced by others, finally instructed the police chief in Sampit all staff and district to urge the ethnic Madurese Madurese immediately fled to the safety reasons. Even in Kuala Wasters Kapolsek very fear of when he heard the order from his superiors that make it immediately evacuate and evacuate the ethnic Madurese from Kuala Wasters (kec capital. Seruyan Lower 150 km from Sampit) to Java. Even in Palangkaraya himself conducted ethnic Madurese refugees to Banjarmasin after their scare.
Sampit riots nuanced religious sentiments and Dayak people as a means to an end.
The Madurese living in Kal-Teng since fifty years ago and peaceful coexistence with the local ethnic (Banjar and Dayak), no perselisahan among them so they live the same way as local residents. Keharmunisan relationship that the two sides seem and the more clearly with the increasing number of married cross (Dayak-Madura, Madura-Banjar) among them. So do not be surprised if the Muslim men from ethnic Dayak women married to Madura ethnic origin or otherwise. Crime of murder, gambling and theft committed by various ethnic, not only from the ethnic Madurese, even more often than the ethnic Madurese murder itself was not among the ethnic Madurese ethnic others. Then why riots took place and even riots in Sampit provoked by two civil servants are non-Islamic religion? Then why arson and murder carried out to all the ethnic Madurese people indiscriminately? Why are the mosques, Islamic boarding schools, boarding schools, houses of citizens of innocent madura Kia even dihabisin Madurese origin? Do not we know that most of the boarding school in Kal-Teng was founded by the Madurese, and even boarding schools are owned terbesarpun Madura? Why ethnic Madurese target? A Doter-now serving in one of the famous hospital in Jakarta, which also serves as da `I during his tenure at Central Kalimantan (Kuala Wasters and Pangkalanbun) in a few years ago, said that the Madurese are the most vulnerable tribes in Kal-Teng. As they have no organizational ties or a container Madurese ethnic community, because they already feel a part of Borneo natives so that they blend with the decay component communities there. On the other hand they are the memperbengkak number komonitas Muslims komonitas Kal-Teng, so the number of Muslims Kal-Teng exceeded 80%. Namu thrown immej surface is that the Muslims in the Kal-Teng is menoritas population, because the important agencies in local government controlled many non-Muslims (Christians Dayak). Christianization efforts in Borneo is running slow and basically failed. The Dayak mesionaris finally chose a target and means to an end. Dayak people who successfully Christianized dikader to play a role in the process of Christianization and rid the people of Islam or at least, keep the Islamic generation of the values of Islamic teaching. For example, Kec. Lower Seruyan (Kuala Wasters) 96% majority of the population are Muslims, which consists of various ethnic Banjar, Madurese, Dayak and Bugis. Very strategic location, because it is a transit city for inland areas. In the district. This place was once no brothel, no place of gambling, there are no places selling liquor and no church. However, after the assistant position is held by a regent of the Dayak ethnic Christian whose wife is a missionary, the church was established, where prostitution and gambling were held, a liquor sales license is given (to the people of china) which resulted in devastation of the local character of the generations even have many invited numerous protests from leaders of local communities. In fact, his tenure ended after he chose to STAP from the moved from Kuala Wasters and became the patron saint places such disobedience. What's worse, when the streets of Kuala Sampit-Wasters can dioprasikan, people are trying to open a new brothel in km. 7 near the village of ethnic Madurese despite strong protest launched by the village chief and leaders of local communities. Indeed, he offers a Kijang car to head home village of the plan allowed. He sarcastically said "The Madurese saints do not like crowds!!"
When SMU NI Kuala Wasters headed by Dayak Christians, many high school kids who attend school in a state of high (drunk). They were eventually driven out by Muslim teachers. But Kep. Sek. Prohibit actions that teachers and he told them "let them get drunk from school!".
The ethnic Madurese who lived in Central Kalimantan (as well as in other areas) none of them are not Muslims and they have an important role in strengthening the position of Islam in Kalimantan. This was evidenced by mosques and Islamic schools and madrassas that they built. In fact, for Kal-Teng areas pesantren was established by a majority of ethnic Madurese, even the largest in Sampit and in Palangkaraya pesantren was led by the ethnic Madurese, which is now sold out Dayak ethnic ravaged.
For the Dayak people who still hold the belief Kaharingan (19%) (Animesme) religious differences are not a problem and they never diresahkan the adoption of Islam in Kalimantan, because it is the ethnic Madurese and other ethnic never disturb them, and if they convert to Islam Itupun because of their willingness. But unlike the ethnic Dayak who had dikader become missionaries by the Batak Zending inland. Christian Dayak is what made ne of them to achieve their goals. To achieve this goal, the Association was formed Mastyarakat Dayak as a container strength Dayak community. Therefore if timeng time to plan treason, society and Dayak dayak Animesme Christians gather into a force.
Regional Autonomy Christian Menimbukan kekhatiran Dayak.
Recently I contacted a friend of Samuda (Monday morning 25 / 2) that the issues they disseminate disseminated among ethnic Dayak and to strengthen Jiw instill a fighting spirit and a deep hatred against the ethnic Madurese were "concerns about regional autonomy has been running, then the ruling is the ethnic Madurese ". "If we do not eliminate the ethnic Madurese we will dilkuasi them". So in Palangkaraya has happened now what happened in Sampit and now they began to move into Kab. West Kotawaringin (Pangkalanbun and surroundings). And they instructed the Dayak rioters set fire to houses and other buildings that allegedly belonged to the ethnic Madurese people who have left refuge.
Yet there Madurese ethnic majority are farmers and gardeners, and very few of them are in Government and the employers.
Through this paper we call for the people of Central Kalimantan:
1. The government must immediately stop the killing and extermination of the Muslim Madurese in Kal-Teng.
2. Called for the authorities do not act decisively biased or become cowards.
3. Calls upon the Government to provide food and health assistance to the refugees who nearly tens of thousands of lives.
4. Human Rights called on NGOs to be held infestigasi of human rights violations in Sampit.
5. Urge the Government and Law Enforcement officials to immediately prosecute the masterminding riots XML Sampit.
6. Called on leaders of political parties and leaders of Islamic organizations to mendesakPemerintah to stop the unrest in Kal-Teng and act decisively.
7. Invite Muslims everywhere to immediately conduct a defense to the brothers who believe that now being rooted out by Christian Dayaks and their supporters.
8. Called for Tabligh Akbar was held to proclaim what is really going against the Madurese Muslims in Kal-Teng.
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