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Kamis, 03 September 2009

kisah nyata

Kisah Nyata Seorang Pemuda Arab Yang Menimba Ilmu Di Amerika.

Ada seorang pemuda muslim yang baru saja me-nyelesaikan bangku kuliahnya di Amerika. Selain belajar, ia juga seorang juru dakwah Islam. Ketika berada di Amerika , ia berkenalan dengan salah seorang Nasrani. Hubungan mereka semakin akrab sebagai sahabat dan saling menghormati.

Pada suatu hari mereka berdua berjalan-jalan di sebuah perkampungan di Amerika dan melintas di dekat sebuah gereja yang terdapat di kampung tersebut. Temannya meminta agar ia turut masuk ke dalam gereja. Semula ia berkeberatan. Namun karena ia terus mendesak akhirnya pemuda itupun memenuhi permintaannya lalu ikut masuk ke dalam gereja dan duduk bersama mereka. Ketika pendeta masuk, si pendeta agak terbelalak ketika melihat pemuda itu dan berkata, "Di tengah kita ada seorang muslim. Aku harap ia keluar dari sini."

Di ambang pintu ia bertanya kepada sang pendeta, "Bagaimana anda tahu bahwa saya seorang muslim." Pendeta itu menjawab, "Dari tanda yang terdapat di wajahmu." Kemudian ia beranjak hendak keluar. Namun sang pendeta ingin memanfaatkan keberadaan pemuda ini, yaitu dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan, tujuannya untuk me- mojokkan pemuda tersebut dan sekaligus mengokohkan markasnya. Pemuda muslim itupun menerima tantangan debat tersebut.

Sang pendeta berkata, "Aku akan mengajukan kepada anda 22 pertanyaan dan anda harus menja-wabnya dengan tepat." Si pemuda tersenyum dan berkata, "Silahkan!"

Sang pendeta pun mulai bertanya,
1. Sebutkan satu yang tiada duanya,
2. dua yang tiada tiganya,
3. tiga yang tiada empatnya,
4. empat yang tiada limanya,
5. lima yang tiada enamnya,
6. enam yang tiada tujuhnya,
7. tujuh yang tiada delapannya,
8. delapan yang tiada sembilannya,
9. sembilan yang tiada sepuluhnya,
10. sesuatu yang tidak lebih dari sepuluh,
11. sebelas yang tiada dua belasnya,
12. dua belas yang tiada tiga belasnya,
13. tiga belas yang tiada em-pat belasnya.
14. Sebutkan sesuatu yang dapat bernafas namun tidak mempunyai ruh!
15. Apa yang dimaksud dengan kuburan berjalan membawa isinya?
16. Siapakah yang berdusta namun masuk ke dalam surga?
17. Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah namun Dia tidak menyukainya?
18. Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dengan tanpa ayah dan ibu!
19. Siapakah yang tercipta dari api, siapakah yang diadzab dengan api dan siapakah yang terpelihara dari api?
20. Siapakah yang tercipta dari batu, siapakah yg diadzab dengan batu dan siapakah yang terpelihara dari batu?
21. Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dan dianggap besar!
22. Pohon apakah yang mempu-nyai 12 ranting, setiap ranting mempunyai 30 daun, setiap daun mempunyai 5 buah, 3 di bawah naungan dan dua di bawah sinaran matahari?"

Mendengar pertanyaan tersebut pemuda itu tersenyum dengan senyuman mengandung keyakinan kepada Allah.
Setelah membaca basmalah ia berkata,

1. Satu yang tiada duanya ialah Allah SWT.
2. Dua yang tiada tiganya ialah malam dan siang. Allah SWT berfirman, "Dan Kami jadikan malam dan siang sebagai dua tanda (kebesaran kami)." (Al-Isra': 12).
3. Tiga yang tiada empatnya adalah kekhilafan yang dilakukan Nabi Musa ketika Khidir menenggelamkan sampan, membunuh seorang anak kecil dan ketika me-negakkan kembali dinding yang hampir roboh.
4. Empat yang tiada limanya adalah Taurat, Injil, Zabur dan al-Qur'an.
5. Lima yang tiada enamnya ialah shalat lima waktu.
6. Enam yang tiada tujuhnya ialah jumlah hari ke-tika Allah SWT menciptakan makhluk.
7. Tujuh yang tiada delapannya ialah langit yang tujuh lapis. Allah SWT berfirman, "Yang telah menciptakan tujuh langit berlapis-lapis. Kamu sekali-kali tidak melihat pada ciptaan Rabb Yang Maha Pemurah sesuatu yang tidak seimbang." (Al-Mulk: 3).
8. Delapan yang tiada sembilannya ialah malaikat pemikul Arsy ar-Rahman. Allah SWT berfirman,"Dan malaikat- malaikat berada di penjuru-penjuru langit. Dan pada hari itu delapan orang malaikat menjunjung 'Arsy Rabbmu di atas kepala) mereka." (Al-Haqah: 17).
9. Sembilan yang tiada sepuluhnya adalah mu'jizat yang diberikan kepada Nabi Musa : tongkat, tangan yang bercahaya, angin topan, musim paceklik, katak, darah, kutu dan belalang dan ****
10. Sesuatu yang tidak lebih dari sepuluh ialah kebaikan. Allah SWT berfirman, "Barangsiapa yang berbuat kebaikan maka untuknya sepuluh kali lipat." (Al-An'am: 160).
11. Sebelas yang tiada dua belasnya ialah jumlah saudara-saudaraYusuf
12. Dua belas yang tiada tiga belasnya ialah mu'jizat Nabi Musa yang terdapat dalam firman Allah, "Dan (ingatlah) ketika Musa memohon air untuk kaumnya, lalu Kami berfirman, 'Pukullah batu itu dengan tongkatmu.' Lalu memancarlah daripadanya dua belas mata air." (Al-Baqarah: 60).
13. Tiga belas yang tiada empat belasnya ialah jumlah saudara Yusuf ditambah dengan ayah dan ibunya.
14. Adapun sesuatu yang bernafas namun tidak mempunyai ruh adalah waktu Shubuh. Allah SWT ber-firman, "Dan waktu subuh apabila fajarnya mulai menying-sing." (At-Takwir: 18).
15. Kuburan yang membawa isinya adalah ikan yang menelan Nabi Yunus AS.
16. Mereka yang berdusta namun masuk ke dalam surga adalah saudara-saudara Yusuf , yakni ketika mereka berkata kepada ayahnya, "Wahai ayah kami, sesungguhnya kami pergi berlomba-lomba dan kami tinggalkan Yusuf di dekat barang-barang kami, lalu dia dimakan serigala." Setelah kedustaan terungkap, Yusuf berkata kepada mereka," tak ada cercaaan ter-hadap kalian." Dan ayah mereka Ya'qub berkata, "Aku akan memohonkan ampun bagimu kepada Rabbku. Sesungguhnya Dia-lah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang."
17. Sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah namun tidak Dia sukai adalah suara keledai. Allah SWT berfirman, Sesungguhnya sejelek-jelek suara adalah suara keledai." (Luqman: 19).
18. Makhluk yang diciptakan Allah tanpa bapak dan ibu adalah Nabi Adam, malaikat, unta Nabi Shalih dan kambing Nabi Ibrahim.
19. Makhluk yang diciptakan dari api adalah Iblis, yang diadzab dengan api ialah Abu Jahal dan yang terpelihara dari api adalah Nabi Ibrahim. Allah SWT berfirman, "Wahai api dinginlah dan selamatkan Ibrahim." (AlAnbiya': )
20. Makhluk yang terbuat dari batu adalah unta Nabi Shalih, yang diadzab dengan batu adalah tentara bergajah dan yang terpelihara dari batu adalah Ash-habul Kahfi (penghuni gua).
21. Sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dan dianggap perkara besar adalah tipu daya wanita, sebagaimana firman Allah SWT, "Sesungguhnya tipu daya kaum wanita itu sangatlah besar." (Yusuf: 28).
22. Adapun pohon yang memiliki 12 ranting setiap ranting mempunyai 30 daun, setiap daun mempunyai 5 buah, 3 di bawah teduhan dan dua di bawah sinaran matahari maknanya: Pohon adalah tahun, ranting adalah bulan, daun adalah hari dan buahnya adalah shalat yang lima waktu, tiga dikerjakan di malam hari dan dua di siang hari.

Pendeta dan para hadirin merasa takjub mende-ngar jawaban pemuda muslim tersebut. Kemudian ia pamit dan beranjak hendak pergi. Namun ia mengurungkan niatnya dan meminta kepada pendeta agar menjawab satu pertanyaan saja. Permintaan ini disetujui oleh sang pendeta.

Pemuda ini berkata, "Apakah kunci surga itu?"

Mendengar pertanyaan itu lidah sang pendeta menjadi kelu, hatinya diselimuti keraguan dan rona wajahnya pun berubah. Ia berusaha menyembunyikan kekhawatirannya, namun hasilnya nihil. Orang-orang yang hadir di gereja itu terus mendesaknya agar menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, namun ia berusaha mengelak.Mereka berkata, "Anda telah melontarkan 22 pertanyaan kepadanya dan semuanya ia jawab, sementara ia hanya memberimu satu pertanyaan namun anda tidak mampu menjawabnya!"

Pendeta tersebut berkata,"Sungguh aku mengetahui jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut, namun aku takut kalian marah." Mereka menjawab, "Kami akan jamin keselamatan anda."

Sang pendeta pun berkata,
"Jawabannya ialah: Asyhadu an La Ilaha Illallah wa Asyhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah."

Lantas sang pendeta dan orang-orang yang hadir di gereja itu memeluk agama Islam.
Sungguh Allah telah menganugrahkan kebaikan dan menjaga mereka dengan Islam melalui tangan seorang pemuda muslim yang bertakwa.
Semoga Allah SWT memberikan Hidayah kepada mereka yang mau berpikir..

* Penulis tidak menyebutkan yang kesembilan (pent.)
** Kisah nyata ini di ambil dari Mausu'ah al-Qishash al-Waqi'ah melalui
History of SH TERATE
High patriotism shown by Ki Hajar Hardjo Oetomo, one of his oldest brother Setia Hati, with the help of his friends from pilang Bango, Madison boldly confronting the passing train carrying Dutch soldiers or carry military supplies. Ambush, throwing, and perusakkan happens over and over again until finally he was arrested and a Dutch PID confinement in prison Cipinang and moved to Padang, West Sumatra. After his release, Ki Hajar Oetomo Hardjo who established Setia Hati Pencak Sport Club which then re-enable the school to eventually grow to a Brotherhood Terate.Persaudaraan Setia Setia Hati Hati in the development Terate RM raised by students from Koesoepangat Imam Mohammad Ershad kadhang (brother) Faithful Sport Pencak Hearts Club (SH PSC) which is a student of Ki Hajar became Oetomo.Sebelum Hardjo kadhang SH SH and establish PSC, Ki Hajar Oetomo Hardjo internship as a teacher at Madison Elementary School Bull. Not stand to be a teacher, working in the SS Leerling Reambate (PJKA) Bondowoso, Panarukan and Tapen. Year 1906 out of PJKA and work into Mantri Market in Madison Spoor Mlilir with his last position as an aide Opsioner Mlilir Market, Dolopo, Uberan and Pagotan (Madison southern region). In the year 1916 working in the sugar factory Redjo Madison Court. In 1917 entered into civil dikecer SH and directly by Ki Ngabei Soerodiwirjo, founder Persaudaran Setia Hati. At this year working at the train station to shake Madison Commissioner Hoof. In 1922 joined the SI and establishing Pencak Setia Hati in Desa Sport Club Pilangbango, Madiun, which then expanded to the Nganjuk, Kertosono, Jombang, Ngantang, Lamongan, Solo and Yogyakarta.
In 1925, was arrested by the Dutch government and was imprisoned in Cipinang, then moved to Padang, West Sumatra for 15 years. SH PSC Dutch dissolved because there is a "Pencak". After returning from prison to re-activate the SH PSC and to adjust the situation, said "Pencak" in SH PSC to "youth". The word "boy" merely to deceive the Netherlands in order not to be dissolved. Lasted until the year 1942 along with the arrival of Japanese to Indonesia.Tahun 1942, upon the recommendation of the PSC's brother Soeratno SH Soerengpati movement of Indonesia Muda, a SH Youth Sport Club was changed to Setia Hati Terate. At that time the school is SH Terate without organization.

Ki Hajar Hardjo Oetomo
In 1948, on the initiative Soetomo Mengkoedjojo, Darsono, and others held a conference on Ki Hajar's house in the village Hardjo Pilangbango Oetomo, Madison. The results of the conference set the Setia Hati formerly Terate are college was changed to the Brotherhood organization Setia Hati Terate with Mangkoewidjojo Oetomo chaired by the deputy Darsono. Then successively:
• In 1950, Chairman of the Center by Mohammad Ershad.
• In 1974, Chairman of the Center by RM Imam Koesoepangat.
• In 1977-1984, Chairman of the Central Council of Priests RM Koesoepangat and Chairman of the Central by Badini.
• In 1985, the Chairman of the Central Council of Priests RM Koesoepangat and Chairman of the Center for Boedi Tarmadji Harsono.
• In 1988, the Chairman of the Central Council of Imam RM Koesoepangat PSHT died and chaired by the Chairman of the Boedi Tarmadji Hardjono until now.

RM Imam Koesoepangat Rm SOETOMO
To become a brother in the Brotherhood Setia Hati "Terate" is, before the first person to follow the basic martial art that started from a black belt, pink, green and small white. At this stage a person is referred to as a student or prospective saudara.Selama in the process of martial art training, a trainer / citizen (civil SH) also provides the basic lessons of SH-general to the siswa.Setelah completing the basic martial art, a person which is considered as citizens or relatives SH is when he has done dikecer authorization by the Board of Certification. Council approval included brothers SH the "best of the best" are selected through consultation SH brothers. Intelligence process took place in Shura. The loaded that should be provided in pengeceran include: roosters, mori, bananas, betel leaves, and other heavy-laden that have been determined.

In this pengeceran process, candidates were given charge and the physical and spiritual gemblengan and science to the SH-and advice-advice, clues in depth and extensive. SH brother recently passed it, the level of science known as brothers Level I (erste traps). In Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood is also divided into three types of relative levels of SH relative level I (ester traps), Level II (twede traps), level III (Derde traps). The Brotherhood Setia Hati 36 Terate taught martial art style that is inherited from Ki Ngabei erste Soerodiwirjo in traps and study of the-SH of which can be obtained at the level Derde twede traps and traps. These moves is a mixture of several martial art school in the archipelago, including from West Java, Betawi (Jakarta), and SH Terate Minangkabau.Khadang spread throughout Indonesia and in some countries like the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany , United States, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam. Administratively began recording the number of brothers initiated in 1986. So the number of brothers starting in 1986 - 1999 of 108,267. page 2

Rabu, 02 September 2009

Bloody Sampit

Beginning of the riots:

Ethnic riots erupted in Sampit since the murder of several citizens of Madura in the housing complex is located in the northern suburbs Sampit conducted by a group of provocateurs paid by the two respective local government officials and Forest Service Sampit. It had happened the night the week (17/2/2001 Saturday night) at around 23:00 pm while the victim was sleeping soundly. Madura citizens around terkejud events and their emotions because they feel drawn in danger and being diaserang by a group of Dayak, and they retaliate to trerjadilah clashes that engulfed dozens of casualties. With this event the people do not stay silent dayak them directly menghadakan murder and arson against houses of Madurese people.

On Sunday morning I contacted by telephone to an aunt and uncle who live on the street S. Parman Sampit asked about the event and its impact on society in general Sampit city. Aunt even mediocre and did not have estimates that the conflict will spread, even he says "it's okay and safe, because the event was on the edge" he said. On the same day of contacting a close friend who was on the street Sampit Samuda asked about the incident. He replied with an answer matching aunt. I do Keesukan day contact again to my uncle and jawbannya not much different from yesterday answers. In contrast to my friend who jwaban contact on that day, he says emergency and widespread rioting and place additional victims from both sides. On Tuesday, I did contact again, but the phone had no answer. Then my friend menghubingi in-law's house and by chance he had been hiding in there and he mengatakatan that the situation is very tense because the Dayak people immediately came from all directions and the interior of Central Kalimantan and overwhelmed officials could not stem the flow of their kedangan. Madurese people who are not aware and did not expect that they will eventually cleared of Sampit frenzy and panic, because it was attacked by a Dayak complete with sharp weapons. So falling korbanpun lying headless in homes and in the streets every corner of the city Sampit. Dayak people make a massive swepping to all houses without exception and kill every person who is suspected of the Madurese regardless of sex or age. So citizens of the Madurese siege that trapped the Dayaks and could not evacuate themselves were soft targets and saber tobak hack.

Before ethnic Dayak attacks gathered together for their determination and vowed to erode the ethnic Madurese out of Kal-Teng, who started from Sampit.

For morale mengobar Dayak, Dayak provocateurs to spread the hatred among them against the citizens of Madura. They said: "The people of Madurese have been scraped from the Kal-Teng, so that the ethnic Madurese no power in the Kal-Teng".

Information last (Monday morning 25 / 2) that I received from the district. Samuda (40 km from Sampit) said that the erosion of citizens Madura now happening in the capital of Palangkaraya city and its surroundings.

Dayak people in kebiadabannya not doing enough to spend the Madurese lives of innocent, but the burning of houses, business places, masid-mosques, educational institutions, pesanteren-boarding schools and others built by the Madurese .

Sampit bloody tragedy was the aftermath of the tragedy of Sambas with careful planning.

Since the Sambas erupted inland Dayak people have been holding talks to take the offensive against the ethnic Madurese. It was revealed from the information my brother-in-law - but it happened to bloody Dayak ancestors had converted to Islam - to work as a commodities trader who every day back and forth to the interior of Central Kalimantan (Rantau Pulot and surrounding areas). Brother-in-law is often argued that the reasons the plan should diurungkan, because according to him, the Madurese are the good things and some among them who do evil like other tribes, he said. In fact, he himself admitted that his wife comes from a good family of the Madurese. However, the Dayaks are still on the stand and said that they will not bother her. About Dayat evil plan is often expressed by my brother-in-law to our family. A few days before the riots erupted Sampit my brother-in-law came home from the countryside immediately Kal-Teng with menyarter speedboard and left klotoknya inland to preach to an evil plan Dayak tribe and my brother in law menyerankan the whole family to sell the property to be sold before the event occurred, but families did not heed such advice.

Before the eruption Kerengpangi (some [pa Sampit weeks before the event) was santar issues that Dayak people will attack the Madurese, and santarnya kerana these issues my dad's friend who was also a former member of parliament Palangkaraya level I often instruct and advise if there'll be Dayak attack then my family should take refuge in his house in Palangkaraya. This also strengthens the Planning before the tragedy Sampit erupted.

After two days of Sampit tragedy erupted Dayak people from different parts and interior parts of Central Kalimantan in waves and flooding in droves to the town of Sampit memusnahan the ethnic Madurese. This is a clear indication of the evil planning.

And when news spread Sampit tragedy to every corner, attacks on the ethnic Madurese-pelosokpun throughout their launches, hundreds of casualties. Therefore one is not that different Madia mentions the deaths of more than 200 people. The actual death toll far greater than expected, because many of the Madurese scattered in various districts and in remote corners of Kab. East Kotawaringin as farmers and farming, and they did not escape the raging target Dayak people.

One day after the outbreak of Dengue Sampit Dayak community in Palangkaraya berdemontrasi demand to the local government to expel all the ethnic Madurese from the province Kal-Teng.

Authorities did not act decisively against troublemakers.

Police and army troops are on alert in Sampit cowardly not even provide protection to the Madurese. It is seen from their inability to stem the flow of the Dayak rioters came and flooded the town of Sampit swepping let them do house-house and kill the soul of each person suspected of the ethnic Madurese, regardless of whether it was a baby, people jumpo, male or woman. Even the merembak attacks to various parts of the district and very easy to do by the rioters Dayak no prevention efforts or a firm attitude of the authorities. Beritindak apparatus should firmly against any rioters who entered his office without discrimination. Even lack sharpness Itupun officials seemed to taken off dozens of rioters Dayak ethnic prisoners and let them join the other rioters to murder. And assault and murder not only Sampit dikosentrasikan in town, even in the city since riots erupted in unison Sampit in other sub-districts made the same attack, and freely without the prevention and assertive tidakan of their forces to kill and mengahncurkan all property and houses ethnic Madurese. Yesterday (Sunday, 25/2/2001) my phone contact with one of the ethnic population in Banjar imformasi Sampit to get the latest on Sampit city, people were more Sampit mengimformasikan that gripped the refugees sheltering in local government offices sedah about food shortages and has many victims who fell dead from hunger. Meanwhile, rioters continued to flood flows and their conduct Sampit attack Kec. Samuda 40 km. From Sampit that there are ethnic Madurese people scattered in a vast amount estimated at more than 1000 families. While pengfungsian atrau hiding place there does not exist. And the vandals have done it without the destruction of some officials who impede or act decisively against them. Even the largest in the district pesanteren. This-which is also where I first nyantri-have disintegrated. None of the ethnic Madurese rumapenduduk but all-out fight. And from imformasi that I received from ethnic Banjar in this district (this morning, Monday 26 / 2) of the rioters had reached the village dayak Parebok (Kec. Samuda), and there they met with resistance and a victim of both sides. Because of the rioters are not able, then send another Dayak 2 trucks to the village, and ultimately they can break the resistance of ethnic Madurese.

The rioters are ethnic Dayak using red badge on the head, hands and they carried spears.

Evacuation or expulsion?

Dayak ethnic urging local government to expel the ethnic Madurese from Kal-Teng said, they do continue to voice their demands for Kal-Teng police chief resign and be replaced by others, finally instructed the police chief in Sampit all staff and district to urge the ethnic Madurese Madurese immediately fled to the safety reasons. Even in Kuala Wasters Kapolsek very fear of when he heard the order from his superiors that make it immediately evacuate and evacuate the ethnic Madurese from Kuala Wasters (kec capital. Seruyan Lower 150 km from Sampit) to Java. Even in Palangkaraya himself conducted ethnic Madurese refugees to Banjarmasin after their scare.

Sampit riots nuanced religious sentiments and Dayak people as a means to an end.

The Madurese living in Kal-Teng since fifty years ago and peaceful coexistence with the local ethnic (Banjar and Dayak), no perselisahan among them so they live the same way as local residents. Keharmunisan relationship that the two sides seem and the more clearly with the increasing number of married cross (Dayak-Madura, Madura-Banjar) among them. So do not be surprised if the Muslim men from ethnic Dayak women married to Madura ethnic origin or otherwise. Crime of murder, gambling and theft committed by various ethnic, not only from the ethnic Madurese, even more often than the ethnic Madurese murder itself was not among the ethnic Madurese ethnic others. Then why riots took place and even riots in Sampit provoked by two civil servants are non-Islamic religion? Then why arson and murder carried out to all the ethnic Madurese people indiscriminately? Why are the mosques, Islamic boarding schools, boarding schools, houses of citizens of innocent madura Kia even dihabisin Madurese origin? Do not we know that most of the boarding school in Kal-Teng was founded by the Madurese, and even boarding schools are owned terbesarpun Madura? Why ethnic Madurese target? A Doter-now serving in one of the famous hospital in Jakarta, which also serves as da `I during his tenure at Central Kalimantan (Kuala Wasters and Pangkalanbun) in a few years ago, said that the Madurese are the most vulnerable tribes in Kal-Teng. As they have no organizational ties or a container Madurese ethnic community, because they already feel a part of Borneo natives so that they blend with the decay component communities there. On the other hand they are the memperbengkak number komonitas Muslims komonitas Kal-Teng, so the number of Muslims Kal-Teng exceeded 80%. Namu thrown immej surface is that the Muslims in the Kal-Teng is menoritas population, because the important agencies in local government controlled many non-Muslims (Christians Dayak). Christianization efforts in Borneo is running slow and basically failed. The Dayak mesionaris finally chose a target and means to an end. Dayak people who successfully Christianized dikader to play a role in the process of Christianization and rid the people of Islam or at least, keep the Islamic generation of the values of Islamic teaching. For example, Kec. Lower Seruyan (Kuala Wasters) 96% majority of the population are Muslims, which consists of various ethnic Banjar, Madurese, Dayak and Bugis. Very strategic location, because it is a transit city for inland areas. In the district. This place was once no brothel, no place of gambling, there are no places selling liquor and no church. However, after the assistant position is held by a regent of the Dayak ethnic Christian whose wife is a missionary, the church was established, where prostitution and gambling were held, a liquor sales license is given (to the people of china) which resulted in devastation of the local character of the generations even have many invited numerous protests from leaders of local communities. In fact, his tenure ended after he chose to STAP from the moved from Kuala Wasters and became the patron saint places such disobedience. What's worse, when the streets of Kuala Sampit-Wasters can dioprasikan, people are trying to open a new brothel in km. 7 near the village of ethnic Madurese despite strong protest launched by the village chief and leaders of local communities. Indeed, he offers a Kijang car to head home village of the plan allowed. He sarcastically said "The Madurese saints do not like crowds!!"

When SMU NI Kuala Wasters headed by Dayak Christians, many high school kids who attend school in a state of high (drunk). They were eventually driven out by Muslim teachers. But Kep. Sek. Prohibit actions that teachers and he told them "let them get drunk from school!".

The ethnic Madurese who lived in Central Kalimantan (as well as in other areas) none of them are not Muslims and they have an important role in strengthening the position of Islam in Kalimantan. This was evidenced by mosques and Islamic schools and madrassas that they built. In fact, for Kal-Teng areas pesantren was established by a majority of ethnic Madurese, even the largest in Sampit and in Palangkaraya pesantren was led by the ethnic Madurese, which is now sold out Dayak ethnic ravaged.

For the Dayak people who still hold the belief Kaharingan (19%) (Animesme) religious differences are not a problem and they never diresahkan the adoption of Islam in Kalimantan, because it is the ethnic Madurese and other ethnic never disturb them, and if they convert to Islam Itupun because of their willingness. But unlike the ethnic Dayak who had dikader become missionaries by the Batak Zending inland. Christian Dayak is what made ne of them to achieve their goals. To achieve this goal, the Association was formed Mastyarakat Dayak as a container strength Dayak community. Therefore if timeng time to plan treason, society and Dayak dayak Animesme Christians gather into a force.

Regional Autonomy Christian Menimbukan kekhatiran Dayak.

Recently I contacted a friend of Samuda (Monday morning 25 / 2) that the issues they disseminate disseminated among ethnic Dayak and to strengthen Jiw instill a fighting spirit and a deep hatred against the ethnic Madurese were "concerns about regional autonomy has been running, then the ruling is the ethnic Madurese ". "If we do not eliminate the ethnic Madurese we will dilkuasi them". So in Palangkaraya has happened now what happened in Sampit and now they began to move into Kab. West Kotawaringin (Pangkalanbun and surroundings). And they instructed the Dayak rioters set fire to houses and other buildings that allegedly belonged to the ethnic Madurese people who have left refuge.

Yet there Madurese ethnic majority are farmers and gardeners, and very few of them are in Government and the employers.

Through this paper we call for the people of Central Kalimantan:

1. The government must immediately stop the killing and extermination of the Muslim Madurese in Kal-Teng.
2. Called for the authorities do not act decisively biased or become cowards.
3. Calls upon the Government to provide food and health assistance to the refugees who nearly tens of thousands of lives.
4. Human Rights called on NGOs to be held infestigasi of human rights violations in Sampit.
5. Urge the Government and Law Enforcement officials to immediately prosecute the masterminding riots XML Sampit.
6. Called on leaders of political parties and leaders of Islamic organizations to mendesakPemerintah to stop the unrest in Kal-Teng and act decisively.
7. Invite Muslims everywhere to immediately conduct a defense to the brothers who believe that now being rooted out by Christian Dayaks and their supporters.
8. Called for Tabligh Akbar was held to proclaim what is really going against the Madurese Muslims in Kal-Teng.
Splitting Sampit bloody tragedy

Jakarta, March 7, 2001 20:13
Haru crying broke out in the marquee Bangkalan District Office, Jalan Lieutenant Abdullah, on Friday last week. ''Thank God, finally we arrived at Madura,''said Jayadi, 31 years old, sobbed. After all, the joy was not long. A moment later, the skinny young man mused. ''We do not know where to go after this,''he said.

Jayadi keep checking an address: Village Nasoka, Ketapang district, Sampang regency. ''It is unclear who it is. Our mother was 50 years do not contacted his brother in Madura,''he sad. He does not know what to see who to ask for protection.

Jayadi is a bitter portrait of immigrant residents in Sampit, Central Kalimantan. They were forced to leave the ground after being hunted down Dayak people, who claim to be heirs of the earth Sampit.

Along with thousands of other refugees, Jayadi pull of the hot region, on Thursday last week, motor boat ride to Bukit Raya Surabaya. ''I survived because I was not the Madurese,''he said. He is genuine Semarang, but since the age of three years following the move to Sampit parents.

In 1989, married Jayadi Mubarak, 29 years old, her daughter Madurese Marini, 60 years old. They have three children, and settled in Sumber Makmur village, North Lower Land Use, County Sampit. Jayadi selling vegetables around the village. Despite a mediocre, they could live quietly, until it smashed.

Suffering begins Monday, February 19 last. At that time, Jayadi was a guest at her sister's house, Lastri, in Begendang Village, 500 meters from the village of Sumber Makmur. According to the testimony Jayadi, suddenly came a group of Dayaks ransacked the houses, burning, killing and even ethnic Madurese. There were about 15 people. Each person menggengam spear, saber (machete), chopsticks, and arrows. ''After the burning and killing, they were always called 'ukluk-ukluk-ukluk',''said Jayadi stamping his feet.

Together Lastri, he saw the massacre. ''In any case, each met the target, Cres ... Cres ... Cres,''tells Jayadi, putting his hand on his neck, like a cut throat. Jayadi had trembled when an armed group to look at him. When snorted, they pass. There's no words.

Jayadi not sure why could escape. He guessed, the group he was from Dayak Iban tribe, known as a sharp smell. As reported Suhartono Gatra journalists, Dayak Iban this is out of the village to conduct examination through scent. If there is considered the Madurese, they shouted,''Here is a cow ....''

Who did not have such capabilities to the conventional selection, through language. Immigrant residents told to count one to ten, and then asked to pronounce the word''yellow''. When ten spoken sepoloh, and Koning for yellow color, life can be broken.

After knowing the Madurese target rampage, Jayadi hurried home. Luckily they''had not yet reached my house,''he said. Wife, mother-in-law, and three children to panic. Jayadi take the initiative to evacuate them. ''I hide in the woods,''he said. About two miles from his home. ''Every day, I send food for my family,''said Jayadi. He himself stayed with the house so as not to burn.

However, only hotter atmosphere. Jayadi giddy. There are neighbors, fellow immigrants, who suggested that Jayadi just run away, without caring wife and children. ''If you're taken, would be subject to case by the Dayak tribe,''said Jayadi, mimicking cruel persuasion. Jayadi not want to hear it. ''I love my family,''said Jayadi the only graduate of this school. With the help of two local government officials (Local Government) Sampit, Jayadi finally managed to bring his family to the refugee camps in Sampit government office complex.

In the midst of senasibnya friend, Jayadi had hoped to return to normal quiet life. Unfortunately, it was only a dream. As he peered into the village, his house has been razed to the ground. Jayadi now do not have anything else. Finally, he decided to follow the advice in-law, returned to Madura. ''I do not have another brother in Semarang,''he said.

As a result of the tragedy Sampit, tens of thousands of people have suffered a tragic fate. Until last week, according to the Central Kalimantan government records, refugees who had been transported out of Borneo approximately 23,800 people, and who are still accommodated in the refugee camps of about 33,000 people.

Sociologist from the University of Indonesia, Imam B. Nugroho, said that the settlement of interethnic conflicts in Sampit and Palangkaraya should not be done with the evacuation of residents to other areas of Madura. ''This could provoke precisely that when people do not like the newcomers, on the island anywhere, could be sent away,''said Imam. The people in Irian Jaya or the other islands can do this. ''What we risk today is Indonesia as a pluralistic society. Government should not only busy with the smoke, but forgot where the fire,''Imam added.

What the hell, the government for a while as no other option but to evacuate. Government Spokesperson's office of Central Kalimantan, Harun al-Rashid, said that the evacuation had taken steps to avoid more casualties. The number of victims and Palangkaraya Sampit incidents that, according to Aaron, is 357 people - 341 of them from the ethnic Madurese. A total of 571 houses were burned. Evacuation''became the best way. This is in accordance with the consideration of field conditions, rather than referring to the theory,''said Aaron.

Once secure, says Aaron, refugees can return. The question is, when? Until now, police do not want to provide security. For this reason, M. Noer, the elder leaders of the Madurese, had hit the ceiling when he met Chief General S. Bimantoro in Surabaya, on Saturday last week.

Problem refugees are not easily solved. Just an example, due to ethnic conflict in Sambas, two years ago, tens of thousands of people still buried in the refugee camps in Pontianak. The number reached 68,000 people, scattered in the dorm hajj, Sharif Abdul Rahman Stadium, Sports Arena (GOR) Pangsuma, Equatorial Badminton Stadium, and Tanjungpura University Stadium.

Not to mention the refugees in other regions. The most often fuss and became an international problem is the refugees who now languish in East Nusa Tenggara. Those who fled after the popular consultation in East Timor, beginning September 1999, that number was around 80,000 people, shrinkage of the original number of 200,000 people.

In Palu and Donggala, there are still 10,000 victims of the riot in Poso who have not dared to return to his village. They were accommodated in three locations, namely Binangga Village, Sub Marawola, Donggala; Gawalise Stadium in Palu Municipality; also a former State Savings Bank office and the building Silae KNPI. There's more about the refugees in Ambon, North Maluku, and Aceh which hundreds of thousands.

Hence, on Friday last week the government decided to revive the National Coordinating Agency (Bakornas) for Disaster Mitigation and Refugee Management. This Agency during President Soeharto and B.J. Habibie led by Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare (Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare). Because of the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare vacant post, the agency now headed by Vice President (VP) Megawati Sukarnoputri, with the secretary Bambang KESOWO, who served daily vice secretary. These institutions which will deal with natural disaster victims and refugees.

Of course, Bakornas could not stifle the violence. Incident Sampit to eat a lot of casualties, said a sociologist from the University Tanjungpura, Prof.. Syarief Algadrie Ibrahim, one of the causes is less compact military / police in the field. Coordination''is not clear from whom,''said Algadrie. In Sampit, the TNI and the police shoot-out instead involved (see: Tribute in the Middle Refugees).

Vice Chairman of the Legal Aid Foundation of Indonesia, Munir, said that security was effective because there is rivalry TNI and Police. Munir, as usual, poking: TNI considered letting the conflict erupted, playing for the troops for help. All this was done so that the impression that the police are unable to maintain keamaman. ''This is not just happening in Palangkaraya, also in Aceh, Papua and other conflict areas,''said Munir.

Accusations that the TNI had denied responsive Army Chief of Information Center, the Young Marshal Graito Usodo. Once the Army''was asked to assist the Police, we immediately responded,''he said. He mentions, the mobilization of troops takes time, both to collect personnel, aviation, and transportation to the scene. Easy''People say we're late. In fact, many things that cause delays. They do not want to see it with clear glasses,''said Graito.

Unfortunately, in the middle of the limitations of the apparatus, the riots spread it very quickly. At first, on February 18, found a Madurese people lying dead on the edge of the New Works Road, Sampit (March 3, 2000). Some residents Madura revenge. They set fire to nine homes Dayak people. Four people die - one person being struck by injuries celurit, the other three burned to death.

Vice Regent East Kotawaringin, H.M. Thamrin Noer, who went down to the location to monitor the situation on the Road BAAMANG, almost wiped out the people of Madura. Noer tried to calm the emotions of the masses. Fortunately, a citizen Madura influential enough to recognize. With a police escort, Thamrin and then left the location.

Madurese people continue to rage. Practical, for two days they controlled the arena. Feeling victorious wind, they unfurled a banner of victory. One reads,''Welcome to Sampang II''. Action is the actual anger residents invited Dayak. ''For the Dayak people, the land is an honor. Not an inch of any other person may be taken,''said JJ Kusni, Dayak's son, a graduate of the University of Sorbonne, Paris, disciplinary history, who taught at the Christian University of Palangkaraya.

Dayak tribe finally returned on February 20. From various directions, the mass Dayak poured into the Sampit. Atmosphere like a war. Dayak mass wearing a red headband and yellow. They were armed with saber, spear, and arrows. Before starting the war, they drank barem, Dayak traditional liquor. They chase the Madurese in every corner of the city of Sampit, even extends to Samuda, 70 kilometers south of Sampit.

The atmosphere was tense. Sampit fields like massacre. Bodies lying in the streets. River Land Use, which crossed the city of Sampit, washed away the bodies without heads. The hunt continued to expand until Palangkaraya.

Execution behead opponents in a culture known as the Dayak ngayau. Only, according to Head of Dayak culture Research Center, University of Palangkaraya, Prof.. H. Taxable Muhammad Aini Matseman Usop, 67 years old, this tradition had been abandoned since a century ago. ''It appears again as a form of impingement and the accumulation of feeling humiliated and oppressed,''said Usop.

Weak law enforcement, according to Usop, contributed to triggering the incident. ''Many cases are resolved legally tried, the results are disappointing. Guilty of Madurese often free. If convicted, just a minute,''he said. In short, in life, the Dayak felt continue to fool the Madurese. If self-esteem''constantly trampled upon, they can be angry, and this is the result,''he said.

Whatever, the case of the more menjulangkan Sampit Indonesia as the country's name''millions''of violence '. For several days, the international media presents''''ethnic violence in Sampit as the main menu. They menggeber writing with photographs sadistic, violent. The New York Times compares the atrocities during the French Revolution. The difference, in France, human heads with an ax cut the guillotine, while the Madurese people beheaded with a machete. ''Bodies scattered everywhere. Really cruel and barbaric,''wrote a very influential newspaper in the United States.

Violence in the country who had nicknamed''equator''of this emerald really was a foreign media spotlight. National Geographic, which typically examine only the environment and natural beauty, in March 2001 issue of reducing special reports of ethnic violence in the country. The title makes excited: Living Dangerously in Indonesia. Then, some Middle East television network shows human heads without bodies when President Gus Dur's speech opening the G-8 summit in Cairo, Egypt, on Sunday last week.

So the gravity of the affair, from the country a number of figures, including Muslim scholar Nurcholish Madjid, RI House Speaker Akbar Tandjung, MPR Chairman Amien Rais-RI, and Chairman of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association Adi Sasono, to ask President Wahid to end a trip abroad . ''According to normal sizes, should go home because of this huge event. It's huge,''said Nurcholish Madjid.

But, Wahid seems prefer using their own size. ''I was abroad indicate that the situation in the country everything is OK. So, no need to worry about,''he said during a dialogue and dinner with the Indonesian community in Indonesia Embassy in Cairo, last week Monday night.

Foreign media, said Gus Dur, is too excessive. Notice''the foreign press too exaggerated. Events in Kalimantan seemed to have caused the destruction,''he said. As a result, Wahid continued to tour the country until March 7. His decision was, according to Gus Dur, taken after obtaining the advice of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and National Police Chief General S. Bimantoro. Gus Dur, as Defense Minister Moh. Mahfud MD, will visit Sampit, Thursday this week.

It had to be done. If not clever-clever climbing foam, Wahid's government would get a new inconvenience. Not impossible, this event will provide a place for independent Borneo demands. Kalimantan Caucus Chairman, Lieutenant General (retired) ZA Maulani, said that this idea was warmly welcomed Borneo society. ''That's because the public distrust of government central Kalimantan,''said the former head of the State Intelligence Coordinating Agency which is still bleeding Dayak.

Problem independent Borneo began to roll after 82 Dayak leaders to meet on January 30 and in Palangkaraya. Maulani himself admitted, though present at the meeting, he did not agree with the idea of an independent Borneo. It includes measures''treason,''he told Bambang Febri Triatmojo from Gatra. Genesis early in Sampit can indeed be the momentum for the market's separatist ideas.
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