Motif Megamendung used by the public as Cirebon batik motif base familiar to the people of Indonesia batik lovers, as well as for society batik lovers abroad. Evidence of motive Megamendung fame came from the city of Cirebon been used as the cover of a book published abroad batik entitled Batik Design by Pepin Van Roojen Dutch nation.
History of the emergence of motifs adopted by Megamendung Cirebon people drawn from a variety of books and literature always lead to the arrival of the history ofChina who came to the area of Cirebon . Clearly recorded in history that the Queen married Gunungjati Sunan Ong Tien from China . Some art objects brought from China among the ceramics, dishes, cloth berhiasan clouds form. Aan
History of the emergence of motifs adopted by Megamendung Cirebon people drawn from a variety of books and literature always lead to the arrival of the history of
forms in different cultures the world over whenever symbolizes taken from schools of Taoism. Clouds form a broad picture of the world, free and meaningful transidental (Belief). The concept of these clouds also affect kesenirupaan world of Islam in the 16th century used by the Sufis for the expression of major world or nature.
Batik Kraton beginning of all kinds of batik in Indonesia is growing. Motive meaning of life philosophy. Batik-batik is made by the court and also the daughter of batik-batik experts who live in the palace. Basically the motive was forbidden to be used by the "ordinary" as a motive Parang Barong, Parang Rusak including Udan Liris, and some other motive.
Batik is created as a distraction activity housewife at home when not to go to the fields or during leisure time. This batik is usually rough and clumsy and not smooth. Hereditary motive as their respective regions and batik unprofessionally done because only a sideline. For any coloring opted to merchants.
Dutch citizens who are interested in a lot of Indonesian batik. They create their own motifs favored Europeans. Motive of European flowers, like tulips and motives figures famous fairy tale there.
During the Japanese occupation in the northern coast of
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